How to Sell Your Portland House if You Have Bad Neighbors

Despite the home of your dreams being in the most picture-perfect neighborhood, a bad neighbor can make selling your home difficult. We will explore how to sell your Portland house if you have bad neighbors.  Disclose In real estate transactions, you must practice full disclosure, but just what you must disclose about bad neighbors is … Continued

Understanding How Land Loans Work for Property in Portland

Often, buyers that start out seeking the perfect home determine that their best option is to build their own house and find themselves in the Portland land market. Other buyers are seeking land for commercial reasons that no existing property will suit. No matter what your purpose for the land, it’s crucial that you understand … Continued

How to Sell Your Portland House if You Live in a Bad Area

Perhaps your area of town was highly desirable when you purchased your home, but neighborhoods can experience severe changes over time. For example, with increasing crime rates and a drop in home values, areas tend to undergo a downward progression.  When your property is in a bad area, with surrounding properties in varying states of … Continued

4 Things You Should Know About Land Surveys in Portland

Good fences make good neighbors, especially when they’re in the right place. When you are ready to buy land, recently surveyed land is the best land available. Land surveys are well worth the cost because they precisely show you what you are buying. They also help you avoid the expense of dealing with the responsibility … Continued

How to Sell a House With Unpermitted Work in Portland

So you need to sell your house, and you’re aware of unpermitted work on your home. If you find yourself in this situation and are unsure what step to take to get started, you’re among many homeowners in the same spot. In any real estate transaction, disclosure is a serious legal matter, and you could … Continued